Lucian Freud: 1922-2011

Working At Night (2005) © David Dawson, courtesy of Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert

The art world last week paid tribute to Lucian Freud, who died on Wednesday 20th July aged 88. The figurative painter was world-famous for his portraits, which during his long career included sitters from Queen Elizabeth II to Kate Moss.

Freud's studio, meanwhile, was a place which chronicled the artist's career visually - due to his habit of wiping excess paint from his brushes directly onto the walls.

Naked Admirer (2004) © David Dawson, courtesy of Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert

Freud's confidante and fellow painter David Dawson documented the studio over a number of years. In a series of works exhibited by Hazlitt Holland-Hibbert in Freud at Work: photographs by Bruce Bernard and David Dawson, Dawson showed the way Freud works, his interactions with sitters, and the wonderfully chaotic interior of the studio.

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