Recovered VII is a collection of 13,228 discarded images, found on a public computer and printed onto silk by designer Fabienne Hess using Image Plot visualisation software.
The work explores discarded and forgotten images in our technology-obsessed society: what happens to these endless images which are uploaded, saved, downloaded, and eventually overwritten?
The energetic rhythm and colour choices also tie in with the dynamic aesthetic of WGSN-homebuildlife’s macro trend, Hacktivate.
Conquer the World - WallpaperDitemukan dalam server
Mondrian's modern-day influenceJardin Jardin, Paris 2011 We round up a diverse range of examples, as the design world takes inspir…
Wireless rethought - Gaia WallpaperDitemukan dalam server :
Critter by Skitsch: Salone del Mobile 2013 previewCritter is a freestanding mobile kitchen comprising a sink, two burners, and storage space for pots…
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Simply Banget - WallpaperSorry nih gue lupa nemuin nih gambar dimana...!!!