Reiko Kaneko for The Drink Factory

Oyster Shell by Reiko Kaneko

British ceramicist Reiko Kaneko has designed a bespoke oyster-shaped vessel to complement the Prairie Oyster, a new cocktail created by bartenders' laboratory The Drink Factory.

Oyster Shell by Reiko Kaneko

The re-imagined Prairie Oyster combines the key ingredients of the classic cocktail - a raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, salt and black pepper - with the concept of a Bloody Mary, and aims to recreate the texture of a real oyster. Kaneko's specially designed vessel has been commissioned to complete the drinking experience.

Oyster Shell by Reiko Kaneko

The drink is available exclusively at 69 Colebrook Row in north London. WGSN-homebuildlife subscribers can read about wider cocktail and drinks trends in our recent report, Coffee to Cocktails.

Prairie Oyster by The Drink Factory

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