The Sill brings houseplants to New York City
The Sill is a new retail website focused on houseplants in unique, high style containers. The Brooklyn-based company, founded by Eliza Blank and Gwen Blevens, aims to make owning and giving houseplants as easy as ordering a pizza in New York City by offering delivery to Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn beginning mid-May.
The Sill will offer a collection of plants thoughtfully chosen for urban indoor settings – long life, easy care, able to withstand imperfect conditions – in an eclectic mix of container styles ranging from classic to quirky and sophisticated. The initial collection will include 21 products, priced from $34 to $160. Traditional terracotta will be represented in the assortment, but The Sill is primarily focused on offering pieces commissioned from artists to obtain the right balance of aesthetic, function, and quality. The majority of the artist-made containers are hand-thrown, glazed, and detailed, instilling each with one-of-a-kind value.