HBL Analysis: Students design new cutlery for Gense

Scandinavian cutlery brand Gense recently gave students of Stockholm design school Beckmans the challenge of designing cutlery which explored contemporary eating rituals. The students' solutions included curved knives and forks for TV dinners and a multi-functional tool inspired by African meal traditions. Some of the cutlery will be put into production by Gense in future collections.

Curved cutlery by Sandra Cohen, a student at Beckmans

Designers are fascinated by this subject, as our eating patterns seem to be changing more quickly than ever before. WGSN-homebuildlife subscribers can read about the new ways our kitchen work surfaces are being used here, explore the current trend for primitive outdoor dining in this report, or consider the rise of single living, and therefore single eating, here.

Hand by Wilson Kalanzi, a student at Beckmans

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