In Case it Rains in Heaven by Kurt Tong |
Kurt Tong's book
In Case it Rains in Heaven (
Kehrer, 2011) documents the ever-growing range of items available as paper offerings - objects which, traditionally in Chinese culture, were burnt "as offerings to the spirits to ensure they lived well in the afterlife".
In the past fifty years, the range of items has expanded in line with China's growing consumer culture: McDonald's takeaways, gold watches and MP3 players are now all available to purchase for the ceremony.
In Case it Rains in Heaven by Kurt Tong |
HBL loves: the fascinating topic, which shows how the changes in any given culture can be tracked by examining the objects crafted by people within it.
In Case it Rains in Heaven by Kurt Tong |
In Case it Rains in Heaven by Kurt Tong |
In Case it Rains in Heaven by Kurt Tong |
In Case it Rains in Heaven by Kurt Tong |
In Case it Rains in Heaven by Kurt Tong |