HBL Events: LoveLight 2011

WGSN-homebuildlife is at LoveLight today, an event held at the Classic Car Club in Shoreditch and hosted by our sister magazine Lighting. LoveLight is a platform for architects, lighting designers and interior designers - including Sam Wilkinson and LOCOG - to share creative ideas and inspire those who put lighting at the heart of their work.

Ben Cronin, editor of Lighting Magazine says: “LoveLight is the only event in the lighting calendar that brings lighting designers and architects together to share their appreciation of light. Pooling the talents of some of the most creative personalities from both professions, the event will challenge you to think about architectural lighting in a completely different way.”

Subscribers can watch out for a full report early next week on WGSN-homebuildlife, summarising the key ideas discussed at the event and offering lighting inspiration for the future.

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