HBL Retail: John Lewis launches iPhone app

John Lewis iPhone app
Less than a week before Christmas, UK retail giant John Lewis has launched a free iPhone app which gives customers access to 200,000 products. Enhancing the in-store shopping experience, the app enables users to browse the online product catalogue, search for items using keywords or product codes, and scan the barcodes of products in-store to access additional information.

Sean O’Connor, Head of Online Delivery and Customer Experience at John Lewis said: "During the Christmas season the internet and mobile are playing a huge part in our business and in our busiest weeks can account for a quarter of overall John Lewis sales. Traffic and sales online are both seeing double digit increases on last year and traffic and sales via our mobile site have more than doubled on a year ago. This is all part of a joined up multi-channel approach that complements and relies upon our physical shops, and the service and expertise our in-store Partners have to offer. This combination creates an attractive proposition that provides convenience for busy shoppers."

He continues: "We recognise that up to a third of customers using our mobile website research shop information and even more research products online before buying. This app is designed to ensure they have everything they need to make an informed purchase, whether they are in-store, on the train to work or at home on the sofa."

The app builds on John Lewis’s recent announcement that it will become the first UK department store to offer free WiFi access to customers in its shops nationwide.

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