HBL Book of the Week: Voyage au coeur d'une bulle de champagne

Photo: Beaumont/Liger-Belair/Polidori, via Luxury Culture
Reminding us that champagne is to be drunk year-round, not just at the holidays, this week's book choice is Voyage au coeur d'une bulle de champagne (Travel to the heart of a bottle of champagne), published by Odile Jacob, 2011.

Photo: Beaumont/Liger-Belair/Polidori, via Luxury Culture
Written by champagne connoisseur Gérard Liger-Belair and fluid mechanics expert Guillaume Polidori, it takes a rigorously scientific approach to the art of champagne - focusing on the journey taken by the bubble as it makes its way to the surface of the liquid.

Photo: Gérard Liger-Belair, via Luxury Culture

HBL loves: The breathtaking photographs of champagne, which fuse science and art in line with our S/S 13 macro trend Wonderlab; and the sparkling facts found throughout. A single bubble measures 0.5mm; there are up to 2 million bubbles in a flute; and the pressure contained in one bottle is three times that found in an inflated car tyre.

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