Iron from Disassembled Household Appliances by Brittny Badger |
Connecticut-based photographer
Brittny Badger deconstructed a series of used domestic tools for her photographic series, Disassembled Household Appliances. Exposing the unexpected beauty of each product's inner life, the project follows the passionately open-source ethos of our
Hack-tivate macro trend.
Can Opener from Disassembled Household Appliances by Brittny Badger |
Badger says of the project: "Taking apart and dissecting these ordinary appliances enabled me to look at them from a new and unexpected perspective. The disassembling process was exciting because I never knew what to expect, or what colours and shapes I would find inside their hard plastic exteriors."
WGSN-homebuildlife subscribers can
see the full article here. Badger's full series is available to view, and purchase as prints, on her
Etsy page.